Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Butterfly Before the Typhoon

There's a Mini Typhoon Brewing




One job you never want to have, living on a tropical island, is Weatherman.

This thing, they're calling Tropical Depression #4 or, Leepi, is heading our way.

The weather folks have predicted sunshine, all day today.

Under brilliant blue skies, I walked the dogs this morning. Then, took an ice-cold shower.

Wearing brand new beach duds, I was going to take the cameras and spend all day outside.

But, before the emails were done, things changed.  A storm is coming and the sky turned gray.

So, I stayed at the office and shot butterflies out in the back yard.

Somehow, butterflies know when a typhoon is coming.

If  you studied their habits, I bet they'd be more accurate than any weather dude.

The rascals were real skittish and wouldn't hold still for a second.

So, I set up a tripod and used the Sigma 50-500mm lens.

My guess was, they'd land, again on those white and yellow flowers, I call weeds.

Time 2:49:58

At 2:52:33 a butterfly came along.

Firing the camera in Continuous Shooting Mode, it was still 2:52:33 when this photo was taken.

The little guy is moving fast.  My shutter-speed is 1/640 of a second.

At 2:52:41 he decides to land and I want to get a detailed shot of him.

So, I'm yelling stuff like, "Show me your eyes, you l'il varmint"!

It was 2:53:14 when I think he yelled back at me.

"Git back in your house, old man.  Don't you know, a typhoon is coming ?"

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