Sunday, April 12, 2015

Bird Photos: Sandpiper and Stilts Reflect in Rain

8 Image Animated GIF



This series of photos was taken shortly after noon on March 14, 2015.

A little rain sends some people, with cameras, running but, I liked the light and reflections.

Pentax cameras and lenses are made for this sort of weather.

Using the Pentax K3 and a prime 300mm lens, I stayed with the birds and got wet.

 The bird in the foreground is some sort of sandpiper.

Whether it's a Pectoral Sandpiper or Sharp-tailed Sandpiper, remains: To Be Determined.

Misidentifying a bird can really get the bird experts riled-up so, I won't be guessing here.

It's a lot more fun standing in the rain than, arguing with the bird people.

The birds in the background are Black-winged Stilts (Himantopus himantopus)

Those are the birds my wife calls Aliens.

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