Monday, September 29, 2014

3 More Motion GIFs from an Okinawan Undokai

People from Kin Town Live Around the Globe



It was nice to hear from so many people, responding to yesterday's  blog post.

The elementary school undokai is one of the most popular events of the year.

So, for those who couldn't attend, here are a few more photos of the action.

children,relay race,crowds watching,undokai,sports

This was some sort of relay race the youngsters were involved in.

Just before noon, I got the bright idea to climb above the crowds and shoot this scene.

It was nice to go wide angle with the lens and use auto focus.

From the position, I had, nobody could accidentally, walk in front of my lens.

With the tripod and I, secured so we wouldn't fall, it was easy to shoot about 1,000 frames.

They held mothers and daughters relays and fathers and sons, as well.

Some of those parents should join the Olympics.

They run faster than jackrabbits.

Back on ground level, after eating a picnic lunch, I shot the Eisa Dancers.

It was real important to capture these scenes for a GIF.

That's because the Chondara, in there, is one of my grandsons.

Did You Know They Have Chondara in Hawaii ?




Doing my research, I came across this video on YouTube.

It comes from the Young Okinawans of Hawaii.

Have a look and listen. I bet you'll enjoy it, too.


Unknown said...

Haisai Mike! I'm back on the "Shima" again. Yes, there are Chonadara in Hawaii. In fact, the Hawaii Okinawan Festival is the biggest such event in the state, often attended not only by 1000's of locals of all races, but also by many curious tourists. It's held right at the edge of Waikiki in Kapiolani Park every Labor Day weekend. Everyone is welcome.

Cheers back at you,

Unknown said...
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RyukyuMike said...

Welcom back. We'll have to see if we can geet together for a few Orion Beers, this time.