Friday, August 28, 2015

Animated GIFs of Obon 2015 in Okinawa Japan

Day and Night All Over Kin Town



Welcoming home the ancestral spirits takes place over a period of three days.

This series of photos was taken during the past 48 hours.

highway 329, vehicles, decorated truck

A brightly decorated music truck was making a racket outside my office.

A band of sanshin players accompany the Eisa dancers and blast the Okinawan music.

Eisa Dancers performing
 By the time, I grab cameras and lenses to shoot them, they are farther down the street.

When they see me coming road guards, stop the traffic for me, to cross the highway.

Eisa drummers and dancers, rooftop view

 After 9PM is when things really start to get hectic.

Climbing up to the top of a building was what it took, to compose this photo.

evening, Eisa dancers, summer kimonos

 This group was performing right outside one of my favorite watering holes.

Eisa dancers, men and women

So, I sort of hung-out around there, knowing, I might need a drink after awhile.

young lady dancers, Eisa

There are probably a few hundred images, I haven't even looked at yet.

And, I know plenty of Eisa guys and gals will be looking for their photos online.

Eisa girl, pink kimono

Drum beats can be heard, down the street as, I type this blog.

Several images have been added to an Obon 2015 album on Facebook

There is supposed to be a full moon tonight and, it is the last evening of Obon.

So, the cameras are being packed up and, my office will be locked until morning !

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