Friday, November 6, 2015

Gardens of the Spirit 2016 Calendar Has Arrived

2016 calendar, gardens, Japan

Photographer John Lander



One of the things, I do almost daily, is look at other photographer's work.

It's not to steal their ideas or, snatch copies of their images for my collection.

It just gives me inspiration and, makes me want to get out with the cameras to travel some more.

John was probably somewhere in Thailand when I first noticed his photography.

We became online friends a few years ago but, have never actually shook hands in person.

First There's a Confession I Must Make


There's a social media spirit that crawled it's way inside my frail body.

Whenever I see photos or, travel stories that tickle me, I share the hell out of them.

Sometimes I really go nuts with Facebook, Twitter, Google+, and other stuff.

Well, John must have noticed what, I had done a few dozen times and, emailed me.

He was moving from one location, to another somewhere in Asia

Closing out some accounts and going on to others, he didn't want to lose contact.

That's understandable, I wade through a few hundred emails a day.

With 3 different email accounts, you can easily lose tract of important contacts.

We stayed connected but, months flew by before, I heard from John again.

 Along Came a Big Surprise Last Month

John, sent a message, asking if I'd give him my mailing address in Japan.

He wanted to mail me a complimentary 2016 calendar !

It arrived before the 1st of this month but, I wouldn't unwrap it until, I asked a question.

"Hey, John can shoot some photos from images inside the calendar for my blog?

That way, I could make a link to Amazon, for you and promote the calendar."

We are very sensitive about nincompoops stealing our photography in this business.

So, if you ever decide to copy someone's work, it's better to get permission, first.

John came back and, told me to have a blast and shoot the whole calendar if, I wanted to.

That was like him telling me, I could go nuts with the camera but, I didn't.

What, I did instead was, just pick the one photo that I thought gave me the most inspiration.

And, I ain't even gonna tell you, what month it came from on the calendar.  

If you want to know, go and buy your own calendar.  This one is mine !

Searching online, I found it at Amazon, for you and it's a steal.

Hint:  It costs less than my first 3 beers will, when I go to town tonight.  Check it out.


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