Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Travel Photo: Rice Hanging Out to Dry

rice, straw, fence, HWY 28,Igei, Okinawa

Harvest Season Has Begun




It's the time of year when all the fences in Igei, will become rice drying racks.

This morning, as we were driving south on HWY 329, is the first time I noticed.

One of my favorite places to go with the cameras is this small village, to see the rice crop.

Before long, there will be tons of the harvest, lining the roads in every direction, you look.

Early  morning and, late afternoon, are the best times for photos but, we were in a hurry.

On a mission with, Click Okinawa Dude, there wasn't time to stay very long.

And, a trip to the southern ends of the island, kept us on the road until after sundown.

As long as typhoons stay away, I'll have plenty of chances to visit with the wide angle lenses.

Heck, it's just a few miles away and, I can walk down there to get some more photos.

Camera: Pentax K3

Lens: Pentax 18-250 at 32mm

Exposure: f/16  1/160   ISO 200

Location: HWY 329, Igei, Kin Town, Okinawa, Japan

Date and Time: NOV 3 2015  10:18AM

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