At home, you can just sit on the back porch and watch a birdfeeder, have camera and tripod all set up, knowing where the light and shadows will be best for you to capture the perfect picture of a bird.
Or, you'll know where the sun will set and where to position youself for an award-winning scene.
When you're traveling and want outstanding lighting for your subject, it gets a bit more complicated.
You are on unfamiliar terrain. Chasing the light may cause you to have to go that extra mile.
In the photo above, I was driving to Okinawa, Japan's annual Dragonboat races. This is what the City of Naha looked like on my drive to town.
I was thinking "What freakin' possesses you to do stupid things like this, old man"?

The odds were against anyone getting a great photo at the Dragonboat Festival because there were dark skies and rain, on and off, all day long. It's rainy season. What did you expect?
This photo was taken while I was standing, with a few thousand other people, facing towards the west. Look at that red tower in the upper righthand corner of the frame.
Knowing that the final Dragonboat Races would be in the late afternoon, I knew, that if the sun ever did shine, all the spectators, cameramen, videocam news channels and the thousands of spectators would all be looking directly into the sun. Good for them. Hah !
When the time was right, I sneaked away from the crowds and set my camera up on the seawall directly in front of that red tower. This shot was taken with my cell phone camera thingy. I walked a long way and crawled through some hairy situations avoiding security guards and police, just to get there and sit on that wall. And the lighting was just as crappy as where I'd came from. However, there wasn't any crowd.
Today's Photography Tip is my weekly post for LadyE's TRAVEL PHOTO THURSDAY.
She has a bigger and bigger crowd of people posting travel photos every week so, drop on by and you can see great travel photos from all over the globe and it won't cost you a dime. Most of the photographers over there know what going the extra mile means, too. Check it out and you won't be disappointed.
Nicely done. Love the shot! Although I'm not really a "photographer", just someone who does her best to capture a decent travel photo once in a while, I always appreciate tips from the pros.
LOL, a Pro makes money from shootin a camera. I just try to outshoot them but, don't make any money at it !
Great photos, you are such a pro!! I must learn from you!:)
Patience pays off. In your case its with a great shot. Too bad you're not getting any money for this!
Thank you. Visit my Photography Tips, anytime and learn for free.
Hah, impatience is what gave me the idea in this case. The shots nobody sees online are the money-makers!
All that work for one chance at a great shot! Nice work.
Evan and Nora,
Hah, One great shot is all I put online. The rest are what I call "KEEPERS"!
Thank you. When this old boy goes to all that trouble he comes home with lots of things to hide under the futon!
The colors of Asia are amazing. Your pictures are really super.
Oh the lengths you will go for a shot - and the rewards for your patience. Very nice shots - and you're making me wish I was paddling in a dragonboat again. I miss the adrenaline rush.
Mike you have the patience of a saint and a fantastic eye for a photo. Keep up the good work my man.
Thanks but, the impatience of a devil would be a better description.
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