Friday, September 14, 2012

Friday Photo: The Straw Roofed Hut Called Kami-ashagi

This type of straw roofed hut is found in Okinawa, Japan.

It's not something you'd find someone living in or using to camp out.

My Okinawan dictionary calls it a divine hut, or a village shrine.

A few other places, I've photographed these structures but, this one is different.

It is the first Kami-ashagi I've seen with stone uprights supporting the straw roof.

All the others have had wooden poles holding the thatched straw roofs up.

The engineer in me figures stone lasts longer than wood.

But, I suspect there may be some spiritual answer involved here.

So, the spiritual part of me says, "Better go back to Motobu and find out".

What do you suppose the reason for the stones could be?

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