There's A Madness To Our Method
It just dawned on me today.
When the Ryukyu Dudes go off to another island there's usually some sort of plan.
Islands we can't drive to, we try to figure out how to get there economically.
So, we look at them from every possible angle. Some are too far away to walk to during low tide.
Komaka Island looks like a little speck on the horizon, left side of this photo.
The boat filled with tourists was returning from the island. So, I watch them closely.
You can tell a lot about people by what kind of gear comes off the boat with them.
For example, if I see a beer cooler, I want to know if they had to rent it. Or, can I bring my own ?
We get important information about the ferry at the nearest port.
Things like departure and return times, what there is to see and do, and costs.
Then, we go around and look at the island from different locations.
Talking to the locals on this island, you can get some valuable information.
They know exactly where the sun and moon rise and set in relation to where you're going.
And, they can tell you about other islands you may see that aren't on anybody's map.
These different viewpoints give me ideas for my photography.
See that guy sitting under the tile roof looking at the outer islands ?
It makes me wonder if folks on those islands are looking back at him.
Some Serious Checklists Need To Be Made Here
The day started off with a big sheet of paper and Sharpie Marking Pen.
One, two and three day island hopping trips will be planned.
Don't worry. It'll get done just as soon as things get caught-up around here.
All The Important Stuff Will Be Listed In Great Detail
That will help me remember to take photos of these viewpoints from the outer islands.
Related Post: The Tern that Rules Komaka Jima
Visit my website for today's Feature Photo
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