Saturday, September 7, 2013

A Guinness World Record Event in Naha Okinawa

The Great Naha Tug-O-War (那覇の大綱引き)

Now is the time to start planning if you want to travel to see it.

Some people are the athletic-types and come to pull on the ropes.

Others, like to make videos or, get photos of the action.

crowd at Naha Tug-O-War, Guinness Record rope

Maybe, you'd just like to hangout with a quarter million other folks.

People come from around the globe for the excitement.

Just bump elbows with a few of them if you want to make some new friends.

The tug-o-war takes place Sunday October 13, 2013.

Why not hop on a plane and come on over ?

 Here are some handy links:

Okinawa Night Life

The Otsunahiki Organization

Map It Okinawa

Previously published:

Guinness World Record Tug of War in Okinawa, Japan

The War of the Rope

Naha Tug of War: When East and West Collide

 Photography Tips: How to Shoot the Guinness Tug-O-War 

Guinness World Record Tug-O-War

2011 Naha Tug-O-War Photos

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