Sunday, September 15, 2013

Testing Pentax DA50mmF1.8 Lens at Sports Photography

Passing the Baton in a Relay Race


Most cameramen wouldn't use this lens for sports or, wildlife shots.

But, before it get's a Mad Mike Review it will be put through some torture.

children passing baton in relay race
Three frames were photographed in continuous or, burst mode.

On a horribly sunny day, at an aperture of f/2.2 the shutter opened and closed in 1/5000 of a second.

children in relay race

The boy passes the baton to the girl.

passing baton in relay race

And, off she ran with it.

It looks like she's running so fast, both feet are off the ground at the same time ! 

Now, I have no idea, who that girl might be.

If the teachers at Kin Town Junior High, let me know, she gets a free print of that photo.

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