Sunday, February 9, 2014

Wildlife Photo: White Eye and Cherry Blossoms that Got GIF'd

motion GIF, Japanese White Eye, bird, cherry blossoms

Remember that rascal flying through my scene the other day ?

The Mejiro or, Japanese White Eye birds can really move fast even when they're not flying. 

two birds, cherry blossoms, one in flight
Something had to be done, to save a photo, the feathery terrorist tried to ruin.

Today, I went back to my photo files and cropped him out.

bird, white eye, cherry blossoms

Here's the same image, cropped and composed differently.

Then, I took four more images from the same series of shots and put them on my Google+.

A few minutes later, Auto Awesome created that GIF for me.

 Just in case you were wondering what I think about that, I'll tell you.

It sure beats the devil out of working for a living !

One of these days, I might have to do a Photo Tip on using that Auto Awesomenator thingy.

Holler, if you get lost over there, because, I'm getting used to it.

And, after I got lost a few times, I think I finally got it figured out.

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