Sunday, May 25, 2014

An Afternoom on Motobu Peninsula with Three Sisters

Three Cameras Involved Too



Normally I post something here daily.

A slight overdose of fun kept me from doing that last night so, I went home and crashed.

hillside covered with blossoming flowers

The hills are ablaze in brilliant colors this time of year.

So, yesterday, the wife, two of her sisters and I,  went to check them out.

Hydrangea flowers,close up

It's Hydrangea season, in Okinawa, right now.

Locally, these flowers are known as Ajisai.

blossoming hydrangea flowers

Photo credits for some of these shots belong to the gals.

blue hydrangea flowers
There's no telling who was doing the shooting with the Canon G12.

hillside covered with flowers

Give the women a camera and, head for the hills with my Pentax cameras was the plan.

hydrangea flowers on hill with visitors

Whoever shot this, should consider making a living with the camera.

flowers on hillside

The lighting, suited me best, looking back down the hill from the entrance.

photographer taking flower photos

Little did I know, one of the gals, was shooting me, with my own camera.

Er maybe, I'd have fixed my hair.

Uto Yohena posing with three visitors

The highlight of any visit to the Ajisai  garden has to be this sweetheart.

Mrs Uto Yohena, the woman who planted all these flowers, is almost 100 years old.

She remembers me, every time I see her.

Each year when we meet, I like to get a photo of her smiling.

And, I'll print it so, I can deliver it to her or, her family.

This year, someone came up with an idea.

The cameraman will go nuts, if you just flip him the peace sign.

Uto Yohena and guest, posing, Peace Sigh and laughing

All these gals are sweethearts but, one looks rather suspicious.

small blue hydrangea flower

Hiking back down the trails a few more photos were taken.

red, blue, green, flowers and ferns

 It really was a beautiful day.

Fukugi trees in Bise, Okinawa

 After leaving Yohena's Garden in Izumi, we drove to see the trees in Bise.

The three sisters wanted to go to dinner when we got back in Kin Town.

That's when, I came up with this plan.

If they dropped me and the cameras at my office, they could go do a Lady's Night.

It worked.

Three cameras were downloaded.

And, I went home to sleep !

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