Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Kouri Island Ocean Tower: A new Attraction in Okinawa (Photos)

outside, wide angle view of Ocean Tower

Here's photographic teaser for those who want to sample this beauty.
view of lane leading to ocean tower

The tower stands 36 meters tall and it is 82 meters above sea level.

It's the only tower, I know of that tourists pay to get into, on Okinawa.

riding golf cart to ocean tower

But, a driver-less golf cart, takes you up the hill so, I wouldn't complain.

 I sat in the back seat, just in case it crashed.

museum below tower

Going through, to reach the upper levels of the observation tower, you find a museum.

large pink seashell

It's a seashell museum and, they have thousands of them, from around the world.

lighted seashell display

Some people say "Ooo and Ahh" when they get in there and see the shells.

seashells on display

Not me, I just pretend I'm having fun.  And wait for them to move on.

wide angle view of seashell museum

That way, I can take some pictures, with nobody in them.

cookies and pastries on sale in gift store

They do have a bakery in there and sell gifts along with munchies.

handmade glassware

Local products, like hand made glass are available for visitors.

But, I'm not visiting, I live here.  So, I don't need the stuff.

tree trunk supporting ceiling

This tree caught my eye. 

It's surrounded by a spiral staircase, leading to the second level of a restaurant.

tables and chairs outside ice cream shop

There was an ice cream stand outside the gift shop.

But, I didn't want to spoil my appetite.

So, back to the restaurant, I went and ate a 3000 yen pizza !

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