Wednesday, March 12, 2014

A Quick Visit to a Karate Dojo (Photos)

A Karate Museum in Nishihara Okinawa Japan



Today's travels were lots more productive than could ever be imagined.

Looking for a museum to do photography in on a rainy day, we found this one.

It wasn't just a tourist attraction.  It's also an active Karate Dojo.


 Just a peek, at where the activity takes place, is all I'm posting tonight.

yellow footprints,karate dojo floor

 A little closer look, tells me, they do things by the numbers around here.

karate memorabilia,posters,photos,awards

 There are plenty of karate artifacts and memorabilia on display.

Karate Magazine,display

 We got to meet the Keeper of The Okinawan Secrets who's photo is on this magazine cover.

Karate Master,Hokama Tetsuhiro

The most valuable treasure in that whole museum and, owner of the Dojo is right here.

An interview will be conducted in the future.

Meanwhile, here's a video for your viewing pleasure:


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