Saturday, March 29, 2014

Detail Photos of Sabani Boat Construction and Other Stuff

It's No Big Secret



The sabani boats and everything about them are a hot topic for me.

The history, building, rowing and sailing of the traditional Okinawan boats is fascinating.

Boats, handmade,wooden,sailing

Whenever I get a chance, I shoot some photos of them.

sabani boat, detail of construction

If you look closely, you can see how the boats are put together.

wooden dovetail keys join sabani boat planks

Different types of hardwood are joined with these dovetail keys.

dovetails called huundu, wood joint

In Okinawa, the dovetails would be called huundu.

But, some people, speaking English, just call them butterfly keys.

With the popularity of sabani boats these days, these wooden keys are fashionable.

People have started hanging them from key chains and cell-phones.

And, women have them strapped to their handbags.

That's Enough to Get Me Thinking

Consider me a redneck, if you like but, with the right color bootlace and some ingenuity.....

.... a person could make one heck of a spiffy bow-tie out of one of them.

redneck, bowtie, tuxedo t-shirt
 And, be much more comfortable wearing a tuxedo.

Dontcha think ?

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