Sunday, April 6, 2014

Today I Found the Stuff Samurais Used to Drink (Photo)

Who Would Have Ever Thought It's Vinegar ?



The first place I heard about it was from a blogger in Portland, Oregon, USA. 

Andy Hayes, wrote:

 His article mentioned Genki Su.

That would be translated:  Healthy Vinegar

And, he mentioned that it came from some secret Okinawan family recipe.

bottle of healthy vinegar with honey and ginger

So, I went on a mission today, to see if I could find the stuff.


The first place, I looked, had what I went searching for, with a little different name.

Spellcheck, ain't gonna like this, I have a sneaking suspicion.

That's a bottle of Vinepple, pictured above.

The one I selected, has honey and ginger, mixed with vinegar.

It's not bad tasting stuff.

From what I could make out of the Japanese directions 100ml a day is the dosage.

So, I figure, that bottle should last more that a week.

If I keep drinking it, maybe I'll live to be a hundred.  If not....

... I reckon, I'll just live until I die !

More About Japanese Drinking Vinegar May Be Seen:

English Language:  Epoch Times

Japanese Website:  Itoh Kampo Products

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