Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Okinawan Style Campaigning in the Rain: A Short Photo Essay

In Case You Haven't Already Guessed



Whoever designed me, didn't put any political bones in my body.

Last night, on the way home, I was invited to this political event and said "OK."

There wasn't anything important on my schedule so, I agreed to go, if the weather was nice.


It turned out to be, a not so nice day.

But the people out there being supportive, impressed me so, I went and got wet, too.

campaigning alongside highway in rain

Backing up a bit off the highway, seemed like a good idea.

The participants were all happy, waving and smiling at every passing vehicle.

action scene from election campaign

There was hootin' and hollerin' accompanied by a live band.

election campaign activity

It made you feel like dancing in the rain.

dancing action okinawa election

So, that's what a bunch of people started to do.

girls waving, election campaign,Okinawa,Japan

That got me thinking.

The next time some pretty girl invites me to an electoral campaign in the rain.....

...the best thing to do, would be, leave the damn cameras at home !

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