Sunday, July 6, 2014

Activities at a Preschool Happyokai (発表会) in Ginoza Okinawa

Watch the Action from Your Air-conditioned Room



Thinking it would be a Tanabata Festival sort of event, held indoors, I carried a flash.

In a school auditorium, packed with kids and parents, I'd have to shoot fast.

The first surprise was, we would be outdoors on a hot and steamy summer night.

parents, teachers, children, school assembly, outdoors

It was shortly before 7PM when I took this photo.

Happy to be outside, I left the external flash and spare batteries in my pocket.

Natural lighting, suits me best and, being in the open, I could move around a lot easier.

children Eisa dancing

Parents, who know me, were asking me to take plenty of photos.

Normally, I would do that, anyway. I try to get pictures of everybody's kids.

It's hard enough for me to identify my own family members at events like this.

The kids , were Eisa dancing with frogs on their heads.

And, it looks like they are beating laundry detergent bottles.

chilrden in summer kimonos, Eisa Dancing

 The only way, to make sure, you get a photo of your friend's kid, is shoot everybody.

Then, load a bunch of photos up and let Auto Awesome, put them together.

That way, parents can look at the motion GIFs and try to find their kids.

These children, must be older. They have real drums.

boys and girls dancing and singing, summerwear

It's important, to make sure, all the boys and girls get their picture taken.

So, I try and make sure, no one is left out.

children Eisa dancing, outdoors, summer kimonos, teacher

That teacher, in the red kimono, really knew how to get those children dancing.

There's a model release, in my camera bag, she could sign.

It's too bad, Mrs. RyukyuMike and I, didn't stay longer.

children, teacher, Eisa Dancing, kimonos,summer

We left the Village of Ginoza and headed back to Kin Town.

A daughter, called, while we were soaking up the air-conditioning and some suds in a bar.

And, she said, after all the children went home, the parents and teachers continued.

They continued the celebrating Tanabata, while the children were sleeping.


If we had stayed, I might have had a few beers with them.

And, if I got the courage, I'd have asked that gal to teach me how to do that dance !

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