Tuesday, October 13, 2015

6 Animated GIFs from Kin Elenentary School Sports Day

athletics, children,tires, relay,parents, teachers

Fun on an Athletic Field



With so many Undokai (Sports Day) events during October, I get extremely busy. 

Preschools, kindergartens, elementary schools, junior high and, high schools hold them.

children, gymnastics, human pyramid

 Aemed with a few cameras and a tripod, I try to cover everyone and, everything.

Somewhere, on the field, grandchildren and relatives of mine are participating.

children, boys, girls, circle, pyramid, athletics

 The kids, own parents can't point them out to me because, everybody looks the same.

So, I usually carry one camera with a wide angle lens and, shoot them all.

race, track,drummer, running, children

Maybe, I'll get a clue like, "Look for the kid wearing orange shorts and a red hat."

They just forget to tell me which relay the rascal is running in, that day.

gymnastics, girls and boys, pyramid

The kids with the black hair, looked familiar so, I captured the gymnastics, twice.

It turns out, they aren't any relatives, of mine.

But, maybe they belong to someone I know, in my travels through the town.

tug-o-war, parents and teachers

The parents and teachers got involved in a tug-o-war and had fun, too.

A teacher, the other night, reminded me of another 1,000 images, I forgot to develop.

So, I'll be posting a few more on the Ryukyu Life Facebook Page.

Tomorrow maybe, I'll take a peek at a couple of dozen more if, the weather ain't just right !


Mikku @ ClickOkinawa said...

As always, I thoroughly enjoy your exploits and coverage. Thank you!! Will be back on island in just over 24 hours!!

RyukyuMike said...

Stephen, It will be my pleasure, to meet you !